Wolf Legends and Wolf Stories
This is one of many wolf legends and wolf stories but it's completely unique and original because it was written by a ten year old! So start writing your stories, have someone read and help you edit them, and then share them with us like this girl did!
Wolf Legends: Morh's Story Chapter 1, Part 1
“The Rise of King Vigeeta”
I walked up the red carpet leading to the golden throne.
“Hello Morh.” said King Vigeeta coldly.
You were only called to the king if he wanted you beheaded or he wanted to make a deal with you and he definitely did not want to make a deal with me. His paws where stained in blood as were his muzzle and teeth. The rest of his fur was black, but his eyes, they were cold. They were snow white as if he were blind.
“Hello your majesty.” I said rather sarcastically as the guards thrust me forward.
“Do you know why you are here?” he snarled.
“No your king, I bet you’re planning on killing me, then the rest of my family as you did to yours.”
He jumped out of his throne and gave me a nice bite on the neck.
“Shut up you worthless…”
His queen walked in - his new queen as I mentioned, he killed his first one.
“Ah Salvenia!” he said with obvious delight.
“Bow before your Queen!” he growled forcing my face to the ground.
“No!” I growled lifting up my head, my grey fur looking browner now.
“No? No!?” the King said and Salvenia echoed.
“Make this peasant bow before me Vigeeta!” growled Salvenia.
“ NO!” I snarled.
“This is a command peasant!”
“I take no commands from a murderer.” I replied showing my teeth.
“Guards! Take him away,” he growled as the black wolves walked up with their silver armor.
I see he had lost interest in one more of his thousands of peasants. I’m not a peasant for him or anyone. I am the leader of the Light Side, the wolves of Mountain Peak where no one dared to go. We are truthful and we ruled the kingdom before the murderer and his army seized the island. Truth is, I have no clue how he got here. He had to get past the ocean, which inside was always raging, but watching it from the shore was peaceful and calm. He had to get through the traps and past the guards.
Wolf Legends: Morh's Story Part 2

The guards had put a chain around my neck and were holding the ends in their mouths. They picked up pace and I followed. Then suddenly I stopped - taking them by surprise and ripped the chains from their mouths. “Get ‘em!” The guards shouted. In two seconds I had twelve guards on me as I raced through the forest. The guards tried to weave through the forest but their armor was weighing them down. I grinned as I raced to the river, I jumped over it as three of the guards plummeted into the water. Nine of the other guards jumped over the river and followed me. I headed up the path into the icy white blizzard. The guards stopped as I raced through the white. I knew I was the only one who would be willing to go back and help them down the mountain, so I might as well do it now. Even though our people were kind and caring nobody else would help the filthy, war hungry, blood thirsty guards. I turned around and saw their silver armor shining slightly.
“Need help down the mountain boys?” I said happily finally out of the chains they held me in.
“What’s your game?” they snarled.
“No game, I help you down and you leave that’s all.”
“Okay but we will be back.” they warned as I helped them down the mountain.
“Later boys!” I said as I raced back up the path.
Wolf Legends: Morh's Story Part 3
I walked up the path getting my paws used to the ice again.
I reached the peak of the mountain and walked into a cave. Dropping to my knees I crawled through the tight passageway. The opening began to get bigger and bigger until I reached it, finally home! I walked into the gigantic cavern. “Hi Morh!” called one of the Light Side wolves. “Hello.” I called back merrily. Light shined through the top of the cave. There where trees everywhere and caves to explore - it was like its own world down here. Or should I say up here? The mountain was like a shell to cover another world. I walked back to my den (the largest one here) and lay down. I looked around and wondered where my mate could be. The nursery! It hit me, when I left my mate was eight and half months pregnant. I hopped up and raced over to the nursery looking around. No, no, no, no, yes!
“Baby!” I shouted.
“Morh you’re home!” she said happily as she licked the pups.
“Two months ago.” she said cutting me off.
“Oh Ace.” I said as I picked up one of the pups and set him on my paws. They were so fuzzy and cute.
“Do they have names?”
“I haven’t decided on most but I named one.” she pointed to the one in my paws.
“His name is Kem.” Kem was my father’s name and he led the Light Side into years of wonder. He died trying to protect us from the Dark Side wolves.
“And this one,” I said pointing to a little girl. “is Samantha.” I said happily. Samantha had a snow white coat and a silver muzzle. The top of her tail was silver also. Her eyes where a light green.
Kem had a darker silver coat and a light brown ear. His eyes where a light grey. The rest of the pups, Samantha, Kem, Aet, Forever and Bell’s coats were all so different. Aet’s coat was a lighter brown and his eyes a bright, curious blue. Forever’s coat was a very light and dull brown; her eyes were a pretty violet color. Her twin, Bell, was a very light and dull brown also but her eyes where an interesting whitish grey.
“Two boys and three girls.” said Ace. Ace was truly beautiful, with her dark brown fur and gleaming white paws. Her tail silver and her left ear blackish brown – there was no other like her.
I smiled, my shiny, ivory white teeth gleaming. I yawned and she encouraged me to go back to our den to take a well deserved nap. I would go over what I learned while in the Dark Side’s territory tomorrow.
Continue reading Wolf Legends and Wolf Stories: Morh's Story Chapter 2
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