Childrens Book Clubs (Buying Clubs) - What's the Real Deal?
Childrens Book clubs have been around since the early 1900's. They are buying clubs that usually have wonderful introductory offers such as, "Get 6 books for $2!" So what's the real deal? Are they legitimate or a scam?
On this adventure we'll take you on a review of several of the largest book clubs, and let you know which ones we trust. Come on - let's get started!
Or...skip right to the
one book club
we can recommend.

One of the largest and oldest childrens book club, Book of the Month Club began in 1926, has sold over 500 million books to members in the U.S. and is still around today.
You definitely can get some great deals on books through their introductory offers and ongoing points and incentives BUT you have to be very organized or else you'll end up with books you didn't want and quite a bit of frustration and hair pulling we think.
Click to read our review.
This is one of the better childrens book clubs as you can cancel at any time and there is no purchase commitment. Shipping is also free on your introductory offer.
But you still have books coming whether you want them or not, so be aware of the positives and the negatives.
Click to read our review and all the details.
Many people are happy with both of the above book clubs but we just don't feel 100% comfortable recommending them and we are not affiliated with them at this time.
Also, please be aware that all childrens book clubs reserve the right to change their policies and offers at any time and they do! So what we've stated here may not still be the case. Make sure you read the fine print, the membership agreement and the terms of use on each site if you choose to sign up with any book club.
Now onto a book club we CAN fully endorse!
I have the best memories of getting those colorful Scholastic Book Club fliers at school! My parents let me buy 2 books every time we got one and I couldn't wait to get home and fill out my order form, it was so hard to only choose two!
Now my kids are enjoying the Scholastic Book Club too! When they attended charter school we loved going to the Scholastic Book Club Fair at school and ordering books from them throughout the year. Now that we homeschool, I'm so happy to say that we can still be a part of this wonderful childrens book club!
Click here to find out how you can be a part of this wonderful book club whether your kids are in school, home schooled, or too young for school!
Check out these other great childrens books we fully endorse without the hassle of joining a club!
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