Short Story Testimonials:
Read What Others Are Saying About

Thank you to the families who have taken the time to let us know what they think about through their short story testimonials!
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Name: Jan From: USA Date: March 2010 Comment: I am a grandmother and just love this concept! Kids reading to kids! Way to go!

Name: April From: USA Date: April 2010 Comment: A couple of my children listened for about an hour this afternoon. They enjoyed it, we will return again for sure.

Name: Heather From: USA Date: April 2010 Comment: Good for you for doing something like this! I hope your family is blessed by it! My kids had fun listening to Aesop's Fables this morning.

Name: Jeff From: USA Date: April 2010 Comment: I am a father and was checking out this site for my three year old son. I started listening to the stories and before I knew it 40 minutes had gone by!

Name: Kylee From: USA Date: April 2010 Comment: Love your website!! What a great idea! Looking forward to digging deeper into it with my kiddos!!

Name: Lyn From: USA Date: April 2010 Comment: I loved THE FUNNY POEMS, especially "The Quangle Wangle's Hat." I am impressed right out of my shoes by

Name: Julianne From: USA Date: April 2010 Comment: This is so exciting! I'm tremendously impressed! Can't wait to sit down with something warm to drink and take lots of time to read every bit.

Name: Lindsey From: USA Date: April 2010 Comment: My son and I spent some time this morning listening to the stories online and we both really enjoyed them! Thanks for such a neat site!

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