Poems for Kids

We love stories but we also love poems for kids, don't you?!
No, we're not talking about those long romantic poetry type of poems! We're talking about short funny poems, kids concrete poems, kids Christmas poems and more!
If you want to learn a poem but have trouble memorizing them - these
short poems
are perfect! Plus they're pretty silly too!
Short Poems
A Family Poem
My Little Sister
My Little Brother
What is a Bottle
The 4th of July

Click the arrow to listen.
Laughter is good for you! We're always looking for a reason to laugh, aren't you?
Funny kids poems make us laugh and we hope they will get you giggling too!
I've Got Your Nose
Funny Poems
Zoops Hoops
The Performer
The Beard
Blue, the Smartest Dog in the World
Mother Magic
If you like short funny poems you'll love the book Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein! It's full of very funny poems that we know you'll love, they are absolutely shocking and silly!
The poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling is a great poem that teaches boys how to be a man. But it's not just for boys!
Click here to listen to this very famous poem - we dare you to try to live up to it!
Here's some more poems about growing up:
Joey's Big Blue Sky
Life as a Princess
A Daddy's Poem
What I'm Thankful For
That's My Dad: A Stone's Throw
Enemy to a Friend
How it Was

Holidays are great! They are the times we love to spend with our families, eat good food and make lasting memories!
Holiday poems are a part of those great memories, whether you write your own or have a favorite one like The Night Before Christmas, poems and holidays go great together! Get out some apple cider to set the mood and then listen to some of our favorite Christmas poems.
Funny Christmas Poems
More Kids Christmas Poems
Christian Christmas Poems
Kids Christmas Poems
Short Christmas Poems

What kind of poem weighs a ton?
A concrete poem!
Just kidding - these kids concrete poems are not really made of concrete.
Submit Your Poem!
Do You Write Amazing, Silly, Holiday, Scary or any kind of Poems for Kids?
Your poems deserve to be seen and heard! Share them with us and we'll share them with our visitors! Don't forget to include a picture!
Read Other Original Poems for Kids that Have Been Sent In!
Click below to see the amazing poems others have submitted...
the reason for the season Not rated yet
the reason for the season
the moment we await
all year long
here it is
the birth of christ
it is called christmas day
the celebrations of royalty …
Love Not rated yet
love is everywhere.
in one another
in things
and most of all; the world
kiTTens Not rated yet
Spring Not rated yet
Spring leaves, quick breezes
flowing through the blades of grass
Spring leaves, longer days.
Sunnyshine Not rated yet
Sunnyshine sunnyshine in my eyes
Bright bright light in the skies
Happiness in the warmth that it shows
The rays of the sun it gleams and it …
Moonlight dancers Not rated yet
One day I peered through my window
On the field below
There were people standing there
In the midnight glow
I watched in awe as they danced …
Chain Gang Not rated yet
There once was a chain gang of three.
They worked the Mississippi
Under the morning sun
From dawn till they were done
Let’s learn about them, shall …
The Lorax Not rated yet
The Lorax is orange,
He Loves Porridge.
He is fluffy,
But sometimes he can be scruffy,
He loves to be honest,
He also loves forests.
His Eyes are …
Click here to write your own.
Find more adventures here:
Here's a great book that many teachers use to teach kids grades 4-8 how to write their own poetry!
Here's another great book about kids poetry!
Free Printable Worksheets
We recommend Print N Practice - for free printable reading worksheets for a variety of interests.

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