Martin Luther King Jr History, the place for kids to learn Martin Luther King Jr biography and more.

Martin Luther King Jr history, biography, assassination, quotes, speeches and more. Learn about the man who changed history and gave his life for what he believed in.
We're staying right here in the United States for this Martin Luther King Jr history adventure. But keep your head low, your eyes peeled and your mind open. This adventure is full of courage, strength, determination and honor. Think you can handle it? Then let's go!

This man, nicknamed ML, was a great man. He lived what he spoke, he believed greatly in what was right, he used words and prayer instead of violence to change people and history. Get to know him better as you read a story told by his childhood friend.
Or dive into this Landmark Series book. Meet Martin Luther King, Jr
The acclaimed Landmark Book series has been an important part of kids' libraries for over half a century. Read of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life under segregation, and the ways in which he fought to combat it. From his first marches to leading the Civil Rights Movement, he still inspires many today.
Martin Luther King Jr Assassination
MLK was staying at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee where he was speaking to several groups before a planned March on April 8th. He never made it to the march. On April 4, 1968 he walked out onto the balcony of his motel room and was talking to some people who were in the courtyard below when he was shot.
What a sad day for the people of the United States. Martin Luther King Jr spoke out against evil and hatred. You might think that evil won when it took a great man's life, but think again. MLK lived his life to glorify the God he knew to be real and that same God is continuing the work that evil tried to end when it assassinated this great man.
Martin Luther King Jr History Speeches
If you want to be a great debater, study the words of this great man. He used his tongue rather than a sword to urge change in people, yet his words were sharper than any two edged sword. Find many of his famous speeches at
Or for kids and families, we suggest King for Kids, School and Family Edition Audiobook on CD This audiobook features speeches and sermons from the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., edited for children. This edition is designed for families and schools to introduce the great Civil Rights leader to children in a format they can understand and appreciate.
Martin Luther King Jr Quotes
Martin Luther King Jr was a man of many words, yet his words always meant something. We can all learn a great deal from his wisdom even today. Find some of his more famous quotes at
Martin Luther King Jr Day
In 1983 President Ronald Reagan signed a bill into law that the third Monday of every January would be a National Holiday celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.
 | Ready-to-Read, Level 1: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Mrs. Conner's first grade class visits a museum and learns about the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior. When they return to class, they share their own dreams for how to make the world a better place.Recommended for ages 4 to 6.Ready-to-Read books come in four levels. Level 1, "Starting to Read," highlights simple stories with increased vocabulary and longer sentences. |
That wraps up our Martin Luther King Jr history lesson for today!
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