Kids Magazines - Our Top 5 Picks

You know we love to read and kids magazines offer us yet another path which we can explore awesome stories, fun facts and great activities every single month!
Everyone loves to get mail, real mail - not junk mail! We especially love getting our magazines for kids in the mail. We've gotten magazine subscriptions as gifts before and they're great because they're affordable and they keep coming month after month and well - kids just love them, we should know!

Here's Our Top 5 Picks for Kids Magazines:
1) Gods World News
These magazines for kids are a part of WORLD Magazine but for kids. The emphasis is on teaching a biblical world view.
There are 5 different magazines to choose from based on grade level.
Each subscription is $29.95 for 10 issues.
2) National Geographic for Kids
For kids ages 6-14 this magazine is packed with fun facts and interesting tidbits. We love reading about the different animals and amazing facts.
Their subscription is a great deal - 10 issues for only $15!

3)Clubhouse Jr. Magazine (1 Year Subscription - 12 issues)
These magazines focus on traditional family values and are filled with cool stories and activities.
A wonderful value - 12 issues for $19.99
We saved one of the best for last...
4) Highlights for Kids
This magazine has been around for over 60 years! Our mom absolutely loved these magazines growing up and still picks them up when we're at a doctor's office!
We also really enjoy reading the activity filled pages with the hidden pictures, riddles, jokes and stories.
They have two versions, High Five is for ages 2-6 and Highlights is for ages 6-12.
You get a years worth - 12 issues for $34.44
But that's not all, Highlights for Kids today is much more than just a magazine -
get all the details here.
If your kids love animals, this is the magazine for you. They have something for kids of all ages:
0-2 - Zoobies
2-6 - Zootles
6-12 - Zoobooks
Something to look forward to!
FREE GIFTS: Beautiful animal stickers and an animal poster are yours with one-year subscription to Zoobooks Magazine!

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