Great Related Links
If you have kids we think you'll enjoy these related links 'cause we sure do! There's something for everyone!
Children's Authors - Publish Your Own Children's Books!
Don't wait around for a big publishing house to discover you. In this day and age, eBooks are the thing! Amazon sold more eBooks last year than they did paper books! Publish your books and stories to the Kindle and start making money! A friend of mine has put together this template that will walk you though how to publish your eBook to the Kindle. I know it's good because I use it too!
Usborne Books
These books are of exceptionally high quality, beautifully illustrated and award winning. You can't go wrong with an Usborne book. We use many Usborne books in our homeschooling curriculum.
High quality personalized childrens books that have been featured in People and Parents Magazines.
* Although we have been enjoying the following websites, we are not affiliated with any of them and take no responsibility for their actions. If you experience any problems with any of these websites, please let us know.
How to Teach English in Japan
Get the straight story on finding a great school to teach for in Japan, plus we recommend which books to read about this very interesting country.
**We recently had a wonderful exchange student from Japan and fell in love with him, his family and his culture. This wonderful site is about how to teach English in Japan but it is also full of information about the culture.

Christian Videos Social Network
Kids Crafts Creation
Kids crafts made easy! Ideas for holidays, Sunday school, kids cooking crafts, wholesome fun for kids, teachers & families alike!
Read Aloud Magic: Learn how to accelerate your child's literacy development and academic success in only 10-minutes a day. Read Aloud is the Gift of knowledge and it lasts a lifetime. Meet Susan Frankenberg, Read Aloud Coach and author of Read Aloud Magic.
FreeHomeschooling101 - This is a wonderful blog for finding everything FREE for homeschoolers! Check it out!

Dora The Explorer Adventures
Providing general information to parents with pre-schoolers and young children. We also offer Dora The Explorer merchandise.
Kid Friendly Homeschool Curriculum
Try out this great resource for curriculum your kids will love!