Pop Goes the Weasel

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Pop Goes the Weasel

Round and round the cobbler's bench

The monkey chased the weasel,

The monkey thought 'twas all in fun

Pop! Goes the weasel.

A penny for a spool of thread

A penny for a needle,

That's the way the money goes,

Pop! Goes the weasel.

A half a pound of tupenny rice,

A half a pound of treacle.

Mix it up and make it nice,

Pop! Goes the weasel.

Up and down the London road,

In and out of the Eagle,

That's the way the money goes,

Pop! Goes the weasel.

I've no time to plead and pine,

I've no time to wheedle,

Kiss me quick and then I'm gone

Pop! Goes the weasel.

History Of the Nursery Rhyme

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Some say this nursery rhyme was written by the Cockneys which were a group of people who lived in England and had their own code-type language.

They say that the Weasel was actually a metaphor for a suit jacket. Most all people, even the poor had a Sunday suit jacket that they would wear to church.

When times got tough they would pawn their suit jacket for things they needed, but try and buy it back by Sunday for church - so that's were Pop! Goes the Weasel comes from.

They were constantly popping the suit jacket on and off to barter with it.

Fun Facts About Weasels

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Weasels may look very cute but don't let their looks deceive you! They are actually very aggressive and ferocious fighters!

Even some larger animals will not come near them because of how tough they are.

Weasels have a gland that secretes a musk that smells pretty bad, some say almost as bad as a skunk!

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